Cradle Suite

The Cradle Suite is our largest room that comes with its own private play and exercise area fitted out with perches, shelves and beds. Adjoining rooms are available for large multi-cat households or if your cat simply loves space.

    • Built-in hideout, perches, shelves, bed

    • Private play and exercise area

    • Access to common play and exercise area

    • In-house litter and litter boxes

    • Personal scratching materials

    • Water fountain

    • 24/7 Air conditioning

    • Adjoining rooms available

    • Daily updates

    • Daily general cat maintenance

    • Daily housekeeping and disinfection

    • Daily interaction time

    • Twice daily feeding of preferred meals

  • Nightly rates start at $98.

    $20 per night is chargeable per additional boarding cat (from the same household) in the same room.

360 view of Cradle Suite exercise and play area

Interior 360 view of Cradle Suite

Interior 360 view of adjoined Cradle Suites

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